This is a synopsis of the Saline County/Crete Railroad Transportation Safety District July 9th, 2024, regular meeting proceedings. A complete set of the proceedings is on file in the Saline …


This is a synopsis of the Saline County/Crete Railroad Transportation Safety District July 9th, 2024, regular meeting proceedings. A complete set of the proceedings is on file in the Saline County/Crete Railroad Transportation Safety District Journal, is of public record in the Saline County Clerk’s office and on our website; SALINE COUNTY RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION SAFETY DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Saline County Railroad Transportation Safety District. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 P.M. on Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, by Railroad Transportation Safety District President Stephanie A. Krivohlavek. Present were Krivohlavek, Dale Strehle, Anthony Fitzgerald and Phil Hardenburger. Russ Karpisek and Kyle Franz were absent. Other officials present; Director Tom Ourada, Treasurer Deb Spanyers, Attorney Anna Burge and Clerk Diann Nettifee. Notice of said meeting was posted in the County Clerk’s office and published in all three county newspapers on, July 3rd, in compliance with State Statutes. Krivohlavek advised those present of the open meetings act posted at the back of the room; Approved minutes from previous meeting; Approved agenda as presented; Citizens Forum; no participation Discussed setting Public Hearing for August 13, 2024, 6:00 p.m. at City of Crete Council Chambers, 243 E. 13th St., Crete; Approved adding a budget item for financial audit (budget total $77,010.00); Approved amending the budget (budget total $80,580.00); Director’s Report – Financial Report, nothing to report; There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 directly following 6:00 p.m. Public Hearing, in the Crete Council Chambers, Crete, NE; ATTEST: Stephanie A. Krivohlavek, President Dale Strehle, Vice President Phil Hardenburger Anthony Fitzgerald Diann Nettifee, Clerk CR/FS/WR — July 17, 2024 ZNEZ