WILBER CARE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JULY 15, 2024 Present: Randy Fulton Joyce Wusk Scott Albert Greg Hasenohr Stephanie Hroch Others present: Nicole Lane-Administrator Allison Suden- HR …


WILBER CARE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JULY 15, 2024 Present: Randy Fulton Joyce Wusk Scott Albert Greg Hasenohr Stephanie Hroch Others present: Nicole Lane-Administrator Allison Suden- HR Coordinator Missie Bramhall-Office Manager Matt Ross- RHD The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Board President, Randy Fulton, at the Wilber Care Center. Visitors Missy Pruss, DON at Wilber Care Center and Chris Lane, Dietary Director at Wilber Care center. Approval of regular meeting minutes by Joyce Wusk. All in favor. Motion carried 4-0. Current Updates: Current Updates/Project Updates- The new hospice room has been completed. The room was painted, and new furniture was placed in the room. The remodel of the Activity Room has been started. Painting and new vinyl has been ordered. Crete Glass came to Wilber Care Center to measure the front entry way for a new office. Maintenance finished a complete remodel of room 33 on Assisted Living. Maintenance has met with the WanderGuard group so access to the courtyard is accessible to all residents and maintenance is working with the lumber yard to assist with a new door. Current Census-As of July 15, the current Nursing Home census is at 34 and Assisted Living is at 30. There are 2 skilled nursing admits July 16th and 2 admits on Assisted Living. There is 1 potential admit to Assisted Living from the Nursing Home side. RHD Update-Matt discussed the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) fund applications are slowly being processed again and the Wilber Care Center is still awaiting funds. Vicky, RHD Nurse Consultant, is to reach out to Wilber Care Cener’s DON to set up consulting time. Staffing Mandate: Matt reported that CMS has agreed to a $75 million dollar awareness campaign to help increase CNA and RN retention and hiring incentives. In August, a workforce stabilization grant for Assisted Living facilities for workforce development is expected to occur, the Care Center has not received any specific information on the impact for WCC. General Financials: Financial statement- Medicaid is down slightly due to the passing of 3 residents. Private Pay is up. Medicare A is down from May 2024 and Medicare B remains steady. Assisted Living is up as there was an increase in census. Motion to Approve General Financials: Motioned by Scott Albert. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. CD’s- The CDs remain steady. Two CDs were reinvested into higher interest rates in June. Census- The June Nursing Home census is down slightly from May and the Assisted Living census is up due to new admits. Aging of Accounts- The Medicaid accounts receivable continues to see payments come in from old dates of service. There are some old accounts that are uncollectable from the prior fiscal year that are to be presented to the Board members. Private Pay is seeing a steady incline. Social Services and the Business Office continues to assist 4 residents with Medicaid applications. The 5-claim audit is almost complete. Wilber Care Center’s MDS Coordinator and the Business Office are actively working to work with Medicare on discrepancies. Medicare B revenue is down slightly from May. Approval of General Financial Section: Scott Albert. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. Expense Section: Staffing and Overtime/Agency Hours- Board President requested agency hours. Agency hours are to be presented in future board meeting. Bills- Suggested changes to entity names in facility financial system, otherwise there were no concerns. General Expenses: Expenses are up slightly from May. Salaries and wages were down. Contract labor was up. Maintenance contracts were up. Supplies for laundry saw an increase due to the admission of new residents. Approval of Expense Section: Motion made by Stephanie Hroch. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. Old Business: Federal Medicaid Reimbursement Fiscal Year- The funds received from the IGT payment that was received in June is to be applied to the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget. Funds are being earmarked for facility projects and updates. Budget Review- Wilber Care Center’s Administrator, Nicole Lane, sent out copies of the budget to Board members. The approved capital budget will be sent to the City Auditors. Motion to approve Budget: Joyce Wusk. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. HR Handbook discussion- The new PTO system has been implemented and is active in payroll as of July 2024. The Administrator, Nicole Lane, is sending out a new draft of the handbook with changes to the Board prior to the next meeting. New Business: Vocational Rehabilitation: Wilber Care Center entered into an agreement with Vocational Rehabilitation which will bring in new trainees from the school system to the facility. Current Openings- The Activity Director position is open and there have been promising applicants. Interviews for positions are in process. Write Offs- Wilber Care Center’s Administrator, Nicole Lane, and Business Office staff presented write offs to the board from the prior fiscal year. All efforts to collect funds have been exhausted. Motion to Approve Write Offs: Scott Albert. All in favor. Write off list passed 5-0. Hospice Room- The hospice room was painted and decorated as well as new furniture placed to make families and residents feel more comfortable. Talks of a possible mural to be painted on the fence that faces the hospice room for aesthetics. Czech Festival Parade- The Wilber Care Center team is working on the annual float. A driver for the float has been assigned and candy has been purchased for the parade. Pharmacy Meeting- Administrator, Nicole Lane, met with the facility pharmacy director for discussions to collaborate on ways to save the facility money. Suggestions were made to cut costs on prescription medications as well as waste. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Stephanie Hroch. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. Next Board Meeting Date: Monday August 19th, 2024 @ 5:30 PM-Wilber Care Center. Meeting being held at the Wilber Care Center at 5:30 pm. Minutes By: Board President Board Secretary WR — August 28, 2024 ZNEZ