VILLAGE OF SWANTON P.O. BOX 23 SWANTON, NEBRASKA. 68445 AUGUST 12, 2024 A regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Swanton, Nebraska was held at the Fire Hall in …


VILLAGE OF SWANTON P.O. BOX 23 SWANTON, NEBRASKA. 68445 AUGUST 12, 2024 A regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Swanton, Nebraska was held at the Fire Hall in Swanton, Nebraska on the 12th day of August, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Runty called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered by Runty, Likens, Placek, and Bass. Strouf absent. Also attending was Donna Rut, Village Clerk and Alan Krupicka, Water Operator. Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by posting as required by law. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. The Open Meeting Laws are posted in the meeting room. Bob Broiller reported to the board that the community club is having a Kids Fun Day on September 21, 2024. The claims, Treasurer’s report, and minutes were presented. A motion was made by Bass and seconded by Likens to approve the Treasurer’s report and minutes and to pay all claims as presented. Motion carried with all members present voting aye. Strouf absent. A motion was made by Placek and seconded by Likens to borrow $22,000.00 on the line of credit from First Tri County Bank on the well project. Motion carried with Runty, Likens, and Placek voting aye. Bass abstained. Strouf absent. A motion was made by Likens and seconded by Bass to reissue checks #9451 and #9465 which were lost in the mail. Motion carried with all members present voting aye. Strouf absent. Resolution #1-2024: A resolution changing the water rates was read by Chairman Runty. A motion was made by Placek and seconded by Likens to approve the resolution changing the water rates. Motion carried with Runty, Likens, Placek, and Bass voting aye. Strouf absent. The Budget Hearing will be on September 9, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. The One and Six Year Road Plan Hearing will follow the Budget Hearing and the regular monthly meeting will follow the One and Six Hearing. Alan Krupicka, Water Operator gave his monthly report. As there was no further business, a motion was made by Likens and seconded by Placek to adjourn. Motion carried with all members present voting aye. Strouf absent. Claims: Alan Krupicka Wages $515.58; Donna S. Rut Wages $463.57; Johnny Barta Wages $105.05; Cory Parks Wages $1,623.21; Waste Connections Garbage $1,035.02; Windstream Utilities $89.25; Ne Public Health Env. Lab Water Tests $15.00; Norris Public Power Utilities $825.00; Farmers Cooperative Gas & RF $1,076.54; Johnny Barta Mower Gas-Sewer $9.11; Crete News Publications $34.65; JEO Consulting New Well $20,700.00; Ne Rural Water Assn Water-Exercise Valve $190.00; Hein Construction Street Repairs $15,270.60; Danko RF Repairs $40.00; First Wireless RF Repairs $450.50; Auto Repair Plus RF Repairs $909.52; Jefferson Co. Emergency Man. CF Repairs-Siren $566.00. Donna S. Rut, Clerk WR — August 28, 2024 ZNEZ