Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Czech Days preparations under way by volunteers

Jamie Brueggemann & Charles Koll help clean up the outdoor theater seating.
Jamie Brueggemann & Charles Koll help clean up the outdoor theater seating.
Jamie Brueggemann & Charles Koll help clean up the outdoor theater seating.

Family time for the outdoor theater

The Znamenacek family volunteered to clean up the Wilber outdoor Theater for guests of the Wilber Czech Festival. Photo includes Jane Znamenacek, Jamie, Riggs, Emilee Brueggemann, Marlee Brueggemann, Susan Sneft, Eleanor Sneft, Howie Sneft, Franklin Koll, Charles Koll, Mila Znamenacek and Jax Znamenacek.


Geneva season ends with loss

The Cornerstone Bank (Geneva) seniors couldn't hold off Wymore Diller Odell July 29 in an elimination game at the Class C Area 3 tournament, falling 9-7 to end their season. Tyler Due was 2-4 and drove in two runs, and Trevor Roach and Luke Kimbrough had two hits each for Geneva.